Myofacial Release
In this short one-day CPD course, we shall discover the purpose of how the fascial system maintains the environment in which the nervous system functions. We will learn how to perform a cranial base release and work with the myofascial system, meridians lines and tracks, to understand the relationship of fascia.
We shall also look at how to activate and tone the Vagus nerve.
The fascial system is a complete sensory system and has a very effective model to follow.
Most professionals and myself seem to agree that the myofascial meridian Lines are energy lines of connective tissue, known as the myofascial pathways between muscles throughout the entire body.
This network of fascia is so vitally important because it provides stability and structure to the body, enables movement of muscles, metabolism to take place, protects the vital organs and the nervous system, which allows for communication between cells and boosts our immunity, it is our richest sensory organ.
The Theory is online and provides all information, however, the theory will be reinforced while doing the practical.
- The science of energy and breathing with techniques to relax the Vagus nerve.
- How the fascial system maintains the environment in which the nervous system functions.
- The major role in the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord.
- The four diaphragms and the Vagus nerve.
- How the (meridian energy lines) relate to connective tissue, known as the myofascial pathways and tracks.
- In the practical session you will learn:
- Breathing and hands on techniques to relax the Vagus nerve.
- Holds for a Cranial base release.
- Working with the SBL Superfisual back line and SFL Superfisual front line, Myofascial meridians.
This course will help you develop your sensitivity to bodywork, Yoga, Pilates or for any other body movement teachers by working intuitively and learning to listen to the Myofascial meridians and tracks.
This course is for professional massage therapist only. This class size is limited to four students.
Cost £195.00